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Fingerless Work Gloves

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If you work in a job which requires you to handle mechanical parts, but you also need the freedom and dexterity to write and work with intricate equipment, fingerless gloves are the perfect option. 

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Currently, Safetec Direct have two different styles of glove available to choose from:

  • Matrix Mechanic Gloves
  • Matrix Grip Gloves

These options offer slight variation, depending on the need of the user. The mechanic gloves are perfect for working on vehicles, while the grip gloves offer more flexibility when you need to securely operate power tools.

Both options comply to EN388 standards, and are made of a durable form of nylon which is designed with abrasion and tear resistance in mind. Both also come with a velcro wrist strap, which helps to secure the gloves tightly in hazardous situations. Reinforced patches are also included to improve knuckle protection. 

Safetec Direct currently stock hundreds of gloves, so be sure to find a pair which work for you. Choose from our extensive range.  

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